I too feel like Im on the wrong planet sometimes and wish like Bill Hicks that the aliens will abduct me an take me to their utopian world of Aucturas, However in between Ill have to make do with the rollarcoaster ride that is life here in Dublin.
Ouch, I hope the Belgian dude was hosting a comedy program.
my brother tells me it was a trick the producer and the director played on the chat show host still cringingly funny though!
What was that? Was the host laughing at the guests voice? I'm not clear.
yuppers stucco I guess the high pitched voice was something the host could never anticipate to hear from the guy
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Ouch, I hope the Belgian dude was hosting a comedy program.
my brother tells me it was a trick the producer and the director played on the chat show host still cringingly funny though!
What was that? Was the host laughing at the guests voice? I'm not clear.
yuppers stucco I guess the high pitched voice was something the host could never anticipate to hear from the guy
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