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Friday, May 25, 2007

Pop ups

Today when using another browser I found a pop up on my page. It was for a gambling company. Now I hate pop ups they are fucking annoying and because I had a blocker on my pc at work and used the same browser on the mac here at home I would have never known but because suolas was on another browser up it popped..

I contacted them to complain but the guy couldnt see it (so he said), so Im asking you guys if any pop ups do show up on my page could you guys email me and what the pops up where/company name ? Thanks!


Stucco said...

Rushmore Casino- www.rushmorecasino.com

robkroese said...

Yep, I got it too.

Judith said...

Hey Guys
I fired off a fairly stern letter to these guys today and also rang them again - guy on the end of the line starts spouting out how someones bought my domain name or something... One things for sure I will be calling google ireland thats spitting distance to where I live and trying to get it removed - strange as it seems my little corner of blogdom seems defiled in all the wrong ways/reasons.. Im TOTALLY pissed off about it...

General Catz said...

It's gone now. You must have put the fear of god into them!

Judith said...

I cant see it either at the moment but Im being very very cautious about it ... Strange it pissed all over my general mood all day saturday..

Anonymous said...

No Problem should it pop up on my watch. What a pain!!!!!

Glamourpuss said...

How dreadful. Bloody liberty!


Judith said...

I nearly got out the big guns